Whilst frosts are not a new thing, the increased regularity is. There are many techniques used to battle frost, some more successful than the other. All of which only work if it does not get too cold. The burgundy region has been challenged in recent vintages, resulting in some years yield being as low as 25% of the normal.
One 1er Cru is often more available than others, even in years of frost and that’s the 1er Cru of Fourchaume. This 1er Cru has the luck of being near a water source. Which can be used to fight frost. A somewhat odd concept that does work super well. The principle of using water to protect from is that the water releases heat upon contact with colder air and the vine. The vine then becomes encapsulated with ice; as additional water is added, the heat continues to be released. As long as water is slowly dripping off the ice, the vine is protected.